Wednesday, November 30, 2016

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දේශප්‍රේමී වන්න! - ඉන්දියාවේ ශ්‍රේෂ්ඨාධිකරණය

ජනතාව දේශප්‍රේමී හැඟීමෙන් යුතුව කටයුතු කළයුතු බවද අධිකරණය ප්‍රකාශ කළේය. 



ඉන්දියාවේ, ජාතික කොඩියේ රූපයක්ද සහිත ජාතික ගීය රටේ සෑම සිනමාහලකම දර්ශනවාරයක් ආරම්භවීමට පෙර වාදනයවීමට සැලැස්විය යුතු බව එරට ශ්‍රේෂ්ඨාධිකරණය තීන්දුකළ බව වාර්තාවේ.
එයට ගෞරව දැක්වීමක් ලෙස නරඹන්නන් ආසනවලින් නැගී සිටීමද ඉන් අපේක්ෂා කෙරේ.
ජනතාව තම පෞද්ගලික නිදහස පිලිබඳ අභිමතය පරිදි කටයුතු කිරීම නවතා දේශප්‍රේමී හැඟීමෙන් යුතුව කටයුතු කළයුතු බවද අධිකරණය ප්‍රකාශ කළේය.

ඉන්දියාවේ, ජාතික කොඩියේ රූපයක්ද සහිත ජාතික ගීය රටේ සෑම සිනමාහලකම දර්ශනවාරයක් ආරම්භවීමට පෙර වාදනයවීමට සැලැස්විය යුතු බව එරට ශ්‍රේෂ්ඨාධිකරණය තීන්දුකළ බව වාර්තාවේ.
එයට ගෞරව දැක්වීමක් ලෙස නරඹන්නන් ආසනවලින් නැගී සිටීමද ඉන් අපේක්ෂා කෙරේ.
ජනතාව තම පෞද්ගලික නිදහස පිලිබඳ අභිමතය පරිදි කටයුතු කිරීම නවතා දේශප්‍රේමී හැඟීමෙන් යුතුව කටයුතු කළයුතු බවද අධිකරණය ප්‍රකාශ කළේය.

මේ දක්වා මෙම කරණය සම්බන්ධව ඉන්දියාවේ ප්‍රාන්ත විසිනවය තුළ ඒවාටම අනන්‍යවූ නීති පැවතුණි.
එසේවුවද, ජාතික ගීය වෙනුවෙන් නැගිට සිටීම අනිවාර්ය නොවන බව පසුගිය වසරේ ඉන්දියානු අධිකරණයක් තීන්දුකළේ එමගින් කැළඹීමක් සහ ව්‍යාකූලතාවක් ඇතිවියහැකි බව පවසමිනි.


                                                          dakshina fernando 

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Fidel Castro death: Cuba holds commemoration in Havana

Tens of thousands of people have filled Revolution Square in the Cuban capital, Havana, for a rally honouring Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro.


roceedings began with the singing of Cuba's national anthem and speeches were made by visiting dignitaries.

Castro, who came to power in 1959 and ushered in a Communist revolution, died on Friday, aged 90.
Left-wing Latin American leaders have attended the event but other countries have sent lower-ranking emissaries.
Opinion on Fidel Castro, who ruled Cuba as a one-party state for almost half a century, remains divided.
Supporters say he returned Cuba to the people and praise him for some of his social programmes, such as public health and education.
But critics call him a dictator, who led a government that did not tolerate opposition and dissent.
Attendance at the commemorative event reflects this division.

Revolution Square is where Cubans once gathered to listen to Fidel Castro's fiery speeches.
The crowd chanted "long live the revolution!" and "Fidel! Fidel!" as the rally got under way.
Greece's left-wing Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras was among those who addressed the crowd. The presidents of Mexico, Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela, Panama, South Africa and Zimbabwe also attended.
In his speech, South African President Jacob Zuma praised Cuba's record on health care and education and its support for African countries.

Earlier on Tuesday, the left-wing presidents of Bolivia and Venezuela, Evo Morales and Nicolas Maduro, were among those who signed a book of condolences at the Jose Marti memorial where a photograph flanked by an honour guard has been on display since Monday.
Another admirer of Fidel Castro, Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa, is joining the two presidents at the commemoration.
But many Western leaders are not attending the event in person.

Cooling relations?

The White House announced that its nominee for the post of ambassador to Havana, Jeffrey DeLaurentis, and Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes would attend the commemorative event but that it was not sending an "official delegation" to Cuba.
Ben Rhodes was one of the US officials who negotiated the thaw between the US and the Cuban government announced in December 2014.
President-elect Donald Trump on Monday threatened to end the detente if Cuba did not offer a "better deal".
On Wednesday, Castro's ashes, which according to Cuban state media have been kept in a room at the defence ministry, will be taken on a journey to the south-eastern city of Santiago.
The route will recreate the victory tour taken by Castro after he won power in 1959, only in reverse.
His ashes will be placed on Sunday in the Ifigenia Cemetery in Santiago, where Cuban independence hero Jose Marti is buried.

                                                                 dakshina fernando 

Brazil's Chapecoense football team in Colombia plane crash

A plane carrying 81 people, including a top Brazilian football team, has crashed on its approach to the city of Medellin in Colombia.


Colombia's civil aviation body says only six people survived the crash, blamed on an electrical fault.
The chartered aircraft, flying from Brazil via Bolivia, was carrying members of the Chapecoense team.
The team had been due to play in the final of the Copa Sudamericana, against Medellin team Atletico Nacional.
Organisers say Atletico Nacional has asked for Chapecoense to be awarded the cup. Brazilian clubs have offered to loan players to them for free for the next year.
Colombian aviation officials said there were 21 journalists on board.

What happened?

The plane lost contact with ground controllers as it approached Medellin at about 22:15 (03:45 GMT), after the pilot reported an electrical fault. It came down in a mountainous area.
At least two of the survivors are footballers. They were confirmed to be defender Alan Ruschel and reserve goalkeeper Jackson Follman.

Some reports suggest another defender, Helio Neto, was also rescued.
Goalkeeper Marcos Padilha, also known as Danilo, was pulled alive from the wreckage but a spokesman said he later died in hospital.
The sports network Telemundo Deportes tweeted (in Spanish) that Ruschel was in shock but conscious and talking, and had asked to keep his wedding ring and to see his family.

Who are Chapecoense? - Luis Barrucho, BBC Brasil


Shortly before boarding in Sao Paulo, Chapecoense manager Cadu Gaucho, 36, appeared in a video posted on the team's Facebook site [in Portuguese] describing the trip to Medellin as "the club's most important to date".
Playing in the final of the Copa Sudamericana was to be the highlight of a glorious season for the team from a small state city in the state of Santa Catarina, which has fewer than 200,000 inhabitants.
Founded in 1973, the team has been playing in Brazil's Serie A since only 2014 but is currently ninth ahead of much more famous and established teams such as Sao Paulo, Fluminense and Cruzeiro.
Last week, it became the first Brazilian team in three years to make it to the final of the Copa Sudamericana, South America's second most important club competition, after beating Argentine side San Lorenzo.
One of the founders of the club, Alvadir Pelisser, told BBC Brasil the tragedy had put an "end to everyone's dream". "We were a family, I'm shocked," he added.

What is the reaction?

Brazilian President Michel Temer announced three days of national mourning, and top Spanish clubs Real Madrid and Barcelona held a minute's silence at the beginning of their practice sessions.

Chapecoense's vice-president, Ivan Tozzo, told cable channel SporTV: "There are a lot of people crying in our city. We could never imagine this. Chapecoense is the biggest reason for joy here."
Goalkeeping coach Marcelo De Quadros Kunst stayed in Brazil with players who did not travel to Colombia.
He told the BBC: "We see wives fainting, ambulances taking them to the hospital, family members holding on to football boots left behind."
Argentine forward Alejandro Martinuccio was one of those who had to stay behind. "I was saved because I got injured," he told Argentina's La Red radio.
"I feel profound sadness. The only thing I can ask is prayers for the companions who were on the flight."

Other sporting plane crashes

  • September 2011: 36 players, coaches and officials from Russian ice hockey team Lokomotiv die in a crash north-east of Moscow;
  • April 1993: A crash in Libreville, Gabon, kills 18 players from Zambia's male national football team;
  • October 1972: Members of a Uruguyan rugby club were among 29 people who died in a crash in the Andes and in the subsequent freezing conditions;
  • February 1958: Eight players from English champions Manchester United are among the 29 victims of a crash in Munich

                                                          dakshina fernando 

South Korea's President Park 'willing to resign'

South Korea's President Park Geun-hye has said she has asked parliament to help her find a way to stand down.



Ms Park faced growing calls to resign amid an investigation into whether she allowed a long-time friend to influence political decisions for personal gain.
She said she would "leave to parliament everything about my future including shortening of my term", but did not want to leave a power vacuum.
Parliament is due to discuss on Friday whether she should face impeachment.
Some in the ruling party had said the president should stand down "honourably" before it reached that point. Opposition parties accuse her of now trying to escape impeachment.
Ms Park has apologised twice before, and has said she is "heartbroken" by the political crisis around her, but has refused to stand down.
In Tuesday's televised address, her third since reports of the scandal began, Ms Park said she would step down "once lawmakers come up with measures to transfer power in a way that minimises any power vacuum and chaos in governance".
A spokesman for the opposition Democratic Party, Youn Kwan-suk, said the speech was a "trick" which "lacked reflection".
"What people want is her immediate resignation, not dragging out and dodging the responsibility to the parliament," he told the Yonhap news agency.

What did Ms Park do?

The scandal stems from the president's relationship with her close friend, Choi Soon-sil.
Ms Choi is accused of trying to extort huge sums of money from South Korean companies. She is also suspected of using her friendship with Ms Park to solicit business donations for a non-profit fund she controlled.
It is also alleged that Ms Park passed large numbers of confidential government documents to Ms Choi, via an aide.
Ms Choi is in police detention, facing a string of charges.

What could happen next?

If parliament passes a motion for Ms Park's impeachment on Friday, she would face immediate suspension from presidential duties. The prime minister would take over as temporary government head.
The Constitutional Court would then have to decide whether to approve the impeachment, a process which could take up to six months.
But given Ms Park's recent announcement, her party is now asking for the impeachment efforts to be delayed.
The BBC's Steve Evans in Seoul says her announcement is not quite a resignation, but an offer to resign later. Yet it does imply, he adds, that her days in office are now severely limited.

What has been the impact of the scandal?

The allegations have reached across South Korean politics and industry. Two of Ms Park's aides have also been charged along with a pop music producer.
The offices of the national pension fund have been raided as have several major Korean companies including Lotte and Samsung.
Investigators believe Ms Park had a "considerable" role in the alleged corruption, but the president's representatives have said the accusations are a "fantasy".
In recent weeks, hundreds of thousands of Koreans have joined huge street protests across the country demanding that she leave office.

                                                       dakshina fernando


Monday, November 28, 2016

කෙටිකලක් තුලදී රසික හදවත් දිනාගත් සුරේන් ඇමතිතුමා

             සුරේන් ඇමතිතුමා



කෙටිකාලයක් තුල රසික හදවත් දිනා ගැනීමට සමත් වූ ඔහු රනිල් කුලසිංහ වේ .
රනිල් කුලසිංහ කිවූ පමනින් ඔබට හදුනාගත නොහැකි වන්නට පුලුවන් .
එහෙත් සල් සපුනා ටෙලිනාට්‍යයේ සුරේන් ඇමතිතුමා කිවූ විට සියලුම දෙනාට හදුනාගත හැක . දැනට වැඩිම ප්‍රේක්ෂකයන් පිරිසක් නරඹන සිරස ටීවි ඔස්සේ විකාශනය වන මෙම ටෙලිනාට්‍යයේ ප්‍රධාන චරිතයට පණ පොවන එම දක්ශ රංගන ශිල්පියා ඔහුය .
රනිල් කුලසිංහ තරුණ දක්ශ රංගන ශිල්පියා රසික හදවත් තුලට වඩියෙන්ම එකතුවුනේ දූවිලි මල් නාට්‍ය හරහාය ...
එතැන් පටන් මේ වන විට ඔහු ලංකාවේ ජනප්‍රියම ටෙලිනාට්‍ය වන සිරස ටීවී ඔස්සේ විකශනය වන සල් සපුනා ටෙලිනාට්‍යට ඔහු රංගනයෙන් දායක වනු ඇත .
රනිල් කුලසිංහ තරුණ රංගන ශිල්පිය කුඩා කල සිටම තම රංගන කුසලතා පෙන්වා අති අතරම මෙම දක්ශ රංගන ශිල්පියා රංගනය හදාරා අත්තේ මහේන්ද්‍ර පෙරේරා මහතා සහ අනිජ වීරසිංහ මහතාගෙන්ය .

රනිල් කුලසිංහ තුල ඉතාමත් දක්ශ රංගන කුසලතා ඇත ..
ඔහු ඉතාමත් සුවිශේෂ පුද්ගලයෙකී ... මොහුගේ විශේෂත්වය වනුයේ මොහු තම රංගනයෙන් දායක වන්නේ ඉතමත් විශේෂ හා රංගනයෙන් දායක වීමට අපහසු දුර්ලබ චරිත සදහාය . රනිල් කුලසිංහ සියලු රසික හදවත් දිනාගැනීමට  හැකිවූයේ තමන් රංගනයෙන් දායක වන්නේ වෙනස් නිර්මාන හා සමජයට වැදගත් පනිවිඩයක් ලබාදිය හැකි චරිත සදහා පමනයි . අප ඔහු සමග යෙදුන සාකච්චාවේදී රනිල් කුලසිංහ අප සමග පැවසුවේ ඔහුගේ එකම බලාපොරොත්තුව ච්ත්‍රපට අද්‍යක්ශක  වරයෙකු විමය . . රනිල් කුලසිංහ යනු ඉතමත් නිහතමානී පුද්ගලයෙකී .. රංගන ෂේත්‍රයේ සිටින අනෙකුත් රංගන ශිල්පීන්ටද ආදර්ශයක් වන අන්දමින් රංගන ෂේත්‍රයේ නියැලෙන රනිල් කුලසිංහ සහොදරයාට

         අප සුබ පතනවා ඉදිරි ගමන සාර්ථක වේවා කියලා ..........


                                                                 dakshina fernando

Syria war: Key Aleppo rebel area captured by forces

Syrian government forces have captured a key part of eastern Aleppo, splitting rebel-held territory in two.


State TV said government troops were dismantling mines and explosives and continuing their advance.
A monitoring group says the rebels have now lost more than a third of the previously rebel-held areas of Aleppo.
Thousands of civilians have fled the besieged districts after a weekend of heavy fighting. Hundreds of families have been displaced within the area.


What are the latest developments?



Both state TV and the UK-based monitoring group, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said that the district of Sakhour had fallen to the Syrian army.
This cuts through the middle of the previously rebel-held territory, dividing it into two.
While it is very difficult to find out exactly what is happening in besieged eastern Aleppo, several other districts appear to have fallen to the government, leaving very little, if any, of the northern part of the rebel-held enclave still under the rebels' control.
Russia's defence ministry says Syrian government troops have captured 10 neighbourhoods from rebels, and that more than 100 rebels have laid down their weapons and left the area, Associated Press reports.

 Aerial bombardment of rebel-held areas was continuing on Monday, according to the monitors.
The Syrian army and its allies launched a major offensive to retake control of Aleppo in September.

Thousands of residents of east Aleppo have fled to areas controlled by government forces and Kurdish groups since the fighting intensified on Saturday.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said as many as 10,000 residents fled to government-controlled western areas and a Kurdish-run northern district.
State media showed men, women and children being transported to government-held areas on green buses.
Kurdish groups who control the Sheikh Maqsoud area of Aleppo provided images showing people fleeing the rebel-held neighbourhoods into a Kurdish-controlled district.

A spokesman for the Syrian Kurdish PYD party told Reuters that 6,000-10,000 people had fled into the district.

A spokesman for the Syrian Kurdish PYD party told Reuters that 6,000-10,000 people had fled into the district.

Scott Craig, the spokesperson for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Syria, told the BBC that there were 250,000 people in need of assistance in eastern Aleppo, 100,000 of them children. Food supplies were gone, he said.
"The situation on the ground in eastern Aleppo is almost beyond the imagination of those of us who are not there," Mr Craig said.
Seven-year-old Bana Alabed, who has gathered thousands of Twitter followers with her tweets from Aleppo, said on Sunday that her home in the east of the city had been bombed.


                                                                       dakshina fernando 

නවක වදය: නැගෙනහිර වෛද්‍ය පීඨයේ පන්ති තහනමක්

                             නවක වදය 


නවක වදයට සම්බන්ධ වීමේ චෝදනා මත නැගෙනහිර විශ්ව විද්‍යාලයේ වෛද්‍ය පීඨයේ දෙවන සහ තුන්වන වසරේ සියලුම සිසුන්ගේ පන්ති නැවත දැනුම්දෙන තුරු තහනම් කර ඇත.
නවක වදය සඳහා සහයෝගය දීම සහ ඒ බව පරිපාලනයට දැනුම් නොදීම යන චෝදනා මත පළමු වසරේ සිසුන් දහසය දෙනෙකුට ද එම පන්ති තහනම සති තුනක කාලයක් බලපැවැත්වෙන පරිදි පැනවීමට බලධාරීහු තීරණය කළහ.

නැගෙනහිර විශ්ව විද්‍යාලයේ වෛද්‍ය පීඨයේ සිසුන්ට නවක වදය පිළිබඳව එල්ල වූ චෝදනාවක් මත මෙවැනි දඬුවමක් පැනවූයේ ප්‍රථම වතාවටය.
නවක වදයට ලක් කිරීමේදී බරපතළ සිදුවීම් ද වාර්තා වී ඇති හෙයින් මෙවැනි තීරණයක් ගත් බව නැගෙනහිර විශ්වවිද්‍යාලයේ විනය පාලක මොහමඩ් අසාම් බීබීසී සංදේශයට පැවසීය.
පන්ති තහනමට ලක්වූ සිසුන් අද (නොවැ.27) මධ්‍යහ්න දොළහට පෙර නේවාසිකාගාරයෙන් ඉවත් විය යුතු බවට විශ්වවිද්‍යාල නිලධාරීහු දැනුම් දුන්හ

                                                                                  dakshina fernando


Sunday, November 27, 2016

ලංකාව ජාත්‍යන්තරයට ගෙනියන අපේ කාලයේ අනුශ්ක

Wasthi Productions anushka udana 


මේ දවස්වල සොශල් මීඩියා තුල  වඩියෙන්ම කතා කරන රසික හදවත්  ඇදගනීමට සමත් ඔවුන් තමයි " වස්ති "  . 
" වස්ති " කියූ පමනින් අප නොදන්න කෙනෙකු නැත . දැනට ලංකාවේ ජනප්‍රියම  යූ ටියුබ් චනල් එකක් අත්තේ  Wasthi Productions  පමනයි .  පසුගිය දිනෙක ඔවුන් most popular vlogger 2016    ප්‍රථම ස්ථානයට පත්වූ වගයි . එය ඔවුන්ගේ ඉදිරි ගමනට ඉමහත් පිටුවහලක් වන අතරම ඔවුන් අපේ රටට වටින පිරිසක් . 
ඔවුන්ගේ දක්ශ රංගනයෙන් හැඩගැන්වුනු වීඩියොවක් පහතින් දැක්වෙයි .


මොවුන්ගේ දක්ශතාවය අප අගයකලයුතුම දෙයකී .  
ඔවුන් නිහතමානී පිරිසක්  වන අතරම ඔවුන්ගේ මෙම ජයග්‍රාහනයට හේතුව  කැපවීම හා දක්ශතාවයයි .
ප්‍රථමයෙන් අප කතා කල යුතු චරිතයක් තමයි  " අනුශ්ක උදාන ලියනගේ " කියන්නේ . මොහු තමයි වස්තී ලාගේ ප්‍රධාන චරිතය . එ වගේම අනුශ්ක තමයි wasthi productions script writer , director , actor 
 දක්ශ කලාකරුවන් රටට ඉතා වටින සම්පතකි . ඔහුගේ දක්ශතාවයන් බෙහෙවින් අගයිමට ලක් කල යුතුවේ .
අනුශ්කගේ නිර්මාණ  ...       



අනුශ්ක උදාන දක්ෂ ගායන ශිල්පියකි .
ඔහුගේ නිර්මාන පසුගිය දිනවල ජනප්‍රිය වුහ .

ජාත්‍යන්තරයට ගෙන යන එම දක්ශ රංගනයන් හැඩගැන්වෙන්නේ මොවුන්ගේ අතින් . 
  1. anushka udana 
  2. dulaj jayathilaka                 
  3. amila devon 
  4. shamith fernando
  5. binoj malinda 
  6. rovin jayasooriya
  7. chamith warnakulasooriya 
  8. hirusha fernando

මොවුන් තමයි වස්තී වීඩියො හැඩගන්වන්නේ  ...... 
වස්ති හැමොටම සුබ පතනවා ඉදිරි ගමන සාර්ථක වේවා කියල ...........  



                                                             dakshina fernando

Syria forces 'retake' second Aleppo area

Syrian government forces have retaken a second rebel-held district in eastern Aleppo, military sources say.


They say the army and its allies had "fully recaptured" Jabal Badro.
Hours earlier, rebel sources confirmed that neighbouring Hanano district had fallen and was now under government control.
Hundreds of civilians have been fleeing into the government-controlled areas of Aleppo as troops make advances into the east of the city.
The Syrian army's offensive to retake eastern Aleppo - home to some 275,000 people - is now into its 13th day.
The assault has killed 219 civilians, including 27 children, the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says.
Syrian state media quoted unnamed military sources as saying that Jabal Badro, which lies immediate south of Hanano, had been fully recaptured.
There has been no confirmation of this from the rebel side.

Analysis: By Sebastian Usher, BBC's Arab Affairs Editor

This is the biggest blow so far to rebels in Aleppo. They seem to be losing ground quickly to pro-government forces attacking them from the east.
The loss of Hanano was a strategic victory for President Assad's forces - but also a symbolic one as it was the first district rebels seized in Aleppo in 2012.
The government's aim seems to be to cut the rebel-held area in two at its narrowest point. There is heavy fighting in the Sakhour district. If the rebels lose it, the army will have achieved this objective.
The fighting has set off a wave of civilians seeking refuge not only in other rebel areas, but also on the government side.

More than 400 residents fled the eastern districts of Haidaria and al-Shaar as the army advanced on Hanano on Saturday, the Observatory said.
They were received by the army and taken to areas under their control in the west of the city.
Al-Jazeera says others are moving out of the besieged neighbourhoods of Hulluk, Sheikh Fares and Sakhour.

                                   Retaking all of Aleppo would be a major victory for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad after five years of conflict.
Once Syria's commercial and industrial hub, Aleppo has been divided roughly in two since 2012, with the government controlling the west and rebels the east.
In the past year, Syrian troops have broken the deadlock with the help of Iranian-backed militias and Russian air strikes.
Russia says its air force is active in other parts of the country, but not operating over Aleppo.



                                                                     dakshina fernando 

Fidel Castro death: Cubans mourn ex-leader

Cuba is mourning its revolutionary leader Fidel Castro, whose death was announced late on Friday.


Flags are flying at half mast as nine days of mourning are observed.
From Monday, people will be able to pay respects before the ashes of the 90-year-old are taken to Santiago de Cuba where he launched his bid for power.
There were further celebrations in the US city of Miami, however, where many anti-Castro Cuban exiles and their families have settled.
Some world leaders have been paying tribute to the 20th-Century icon. But US President-elect Donald Trump said Castro had been a "brutal dictator".
Castro came to power in 1959 and ushered in a Communist revolution, defying the US for decades.
His supporters viewed him as a man who stood up to America during the Cold War and returned Cuba to the people. His critics, however, called him a dictator.

It is hard to overstate exactly how important Fidel Castro was to Cubans. Whether he was their beloved revolutionary hero and liberator or if they saw him as a despot and tyrant, the name Castro has been an intrinsic part of their lives for decades. So adapting to the news that the 90-year-old Fidel Castro, latterly more likely to be seen in tracksuits than olive-green fatigues, was gone has been difficult to digest for some.
A group of students appeared outside the law faculty he studied in in the 1950s, carrying Cubans flags, pictures of Fidel and holding up revolutionary slogans. Many were in tears, genuinely moved by the loss of a man they consider to have freed their country from Washington's grasp. Elsewhere in Havana, people were more muted, perhaps a little quieter and more reflective as they sought out the state-run newspaper or paid for a little internet access.
The contrast with the picture across the Florida Straits couldn't have been starker. For a second consecutive night, the atmosphere in Miami was one of partying and celebrating the news of his death. The anti-Castro Cuban American community has wanted Fidel out of their lives for decades. They just didn't think they'd have to wait until he was 90 to get their wish.

The US cut ties with Cuba in 1961 amid rising Cold War tensions and imposed a strict economic embargo which largely remains in place more than half a century on.
Under President Barack Obama, the relationship warmed and diplomatic ties were restored in 2015.
Mr Obama said history would "record and judge the enormous impact" of Castro. America was extending "a hand of friendship to the Cuban people" at this time, he added.

A mourning period began on Saturday and will be observed in Cuba until the urn with Castro's ashes is taken to the south-eastern city of Santiago de Cuba to be laid to rest there on 4 December.
Before that, a series of memorials will be held in Havana and Castro's ashes will travel along the route of the Caravan of Freedom that took place in January 1959.

Castro was the longest serving non-royal leader of the 20th Century. He had been retired from political life for several years, after handing power to his brother Raul in 2006 because of illness.

How Castro defied the US

Throughout the Cold War, Fidel Castro was a thorn in Washington's side.
An accomplished tactician on the battlefield, he and his small army of guerrillas overthrew the military leader Fulgencio Batista in 1959 to widespread popular support.
Within two years of taking power, he declared the revolution to be Marxist-Leninist in nature and allied Cuba firmly to the Soviet Union - a move that led to the missile crisis in 1962, bringing the world to the brink of nuclear war before the Soviet Union abandoned its plan to put missiles on Cuban soil.

Despite the constant threat of a US invasion as well as the long-standing economic embargo on the island, Castro managed to maintain a communist revolution in a nation just 90 miles (145km) off the coast of Florida.
Despised by his critics as much as he was revered by his followers, he maintained his rule through 10 US presidents and survived scores of attempts on his life by the CIA.
He established a one-party state, with hundreds of supporters of the Batista government executed. Political opponents have been imprisoned, the independent media suppressed. Thousands of Cubans have fled into exile.


How has the world reacted?

Many world leaders have paid tribute to Castro. Russian President Vladimir Putin described him as a "reliable and sincere friend" of Russia, while Chinese President Xi Jinping said his people had "lost a good and true comrade".
The Soviet Union's last leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, said: "Fidel stood up and strengthened his country during the harshest American blockade, when there was colossal pressure on him."
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau came under fire on social media and from political opponents for describing Castro as a "remarkable leader", who despite being a "controversial figure" made significant improvements to the education and healthcare of Cubans.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon acknowledged advances in education, literary and health under Castro, but said he hoped Cuba would "continue to advance on a path of reform, greater prosperity and human rights".
Pope Francis, who met Castro, an atheist, when he visited Cuba in 2015, called his death "sad news".
In Venezuela, Cuba's main regional ally, President Nicolas Maduro said "revolutionaries of the world must follow his legacy".

  • 1926: Born in the south-eastern Oriente Province of Cuba
  • 1953: Imprisoned after leading an unsuccessful rising against Batista's regime
  • 1955: Released from prison under an amnesty deal
  • 1956: With Che Guevara, begins a guerrilla war against the government
  • 1959: Defeats Batista, sworn in as prime minister of Cuba
  • 1961: Fights off CIA-sponsored Bay of Pigs invasion by Cuban exiles
  • 1962: Sparks Cuban missile crisis by agreeing that USSR can deploy nuclear missiles in Cuba
  • 1976: Elected president by Cuba's National Assembly
  • 1992: Reaches an agreement with US over Cuban refugees
  • 2006: Hands over reins to brother Raul due to health issues, stands down as president two years later


                                                            dakshina fernando


Saturday, November 26, 2016

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dakshina fernando   


Monday, November 14, 2016

2016 'very likely' to be world's warmest year

2016 looks poised to be the warmest year on record globally, according to preliminary data.



With data from just the first nine months, scientists are 90% certain that 2016 will pass the mark set by 2015.
Temperatures from January to September were 1.2C above pre-industrial levels, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
The body says temperatures should remain high enough for the rest of the year to break the previous record.
El Nino has had an impact, but the most significant factor driving temperatures up continues to be CO2 emissions.                                                

What is climate change?
The provisional statement on the status of the global climate in 2016 has been released early this year to help inform negotiators meeting in Morocco, who are trying to push forward with the Paris Climate Agreement.
The document says the year to September was 0.88 above the average for the period between 1961-90, which the WMO uses at its baseline.
The whole of 2015, which broke the previous record by a significant amount, was 0.77 above the 1961-90 average.
Image copyright WMO 

While there are still a couple of months to go this year, a preliminary analysis of the October data indicates that 2016 is very much on track to surpass the 2015 level, which in turn broke the previous high mark set in 2014.
"Another year. Another record. The high temperatures we saw in 2015 are set to be beaten in 2016," said WMO secretary-general Petteri Taalas.
"In parts of Arctic Russia, temperatures were 6C to 7C above the long-term average. Many other Arctic and sub-Arctic regions in Russia, Alaska and north-west Canada were at least 3C above average. We are used to measuring temperature records in fractions of a degree, and so this is different," said Mr Taalas.
The report highlights the fact that other long-term climate change indicators are also breaking records. The amount of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere continued on its upward march in 2016.
Arctic sea ice continued to melt in significant amounts, while the Greenland ice sheet displayed very early melting this year.
Experts believe that the El Nino weather phenomenon played a role in the record warm temperatures seen in 2015 and 2016.
They quantify it as roughly 0.2 of a degree - but the bulk of the warming is coming from the accumulation of greenhouse gases. And the impacts of that warming are being widely felt.
"Because of climate change, the occurrence and impact of extreme events has risen," said Petteri Taalas.
"'Once in a generation' heatwaves and flooding are becoming more regular. Sea level rise has increased exposure to storm surges associated with tropical cyclones," he said.
The surprise election of Donald Trump as president of the US has increased expectations that he will bring a more sceptical view of climate change to the White House.
Scientists are stressing that the evidence for the reality of climate change is getting stronger all the time.
"We are seeing the impacts of climate change on extreme weather," said Dr Peter Stott, who leads the climate attribution team at the UK Met Office.
"One degree may sound a relatively small number but in the context of such a stable climate that we've had over the past millennia, and the rapidity of that warming, we are seeing this real world evidence that doesn't come from a model or a projection."
According to the WMO analysis, 16 of the 17 warmest years have been recorded this century. The only exception was 1998.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                            dakshina fernando


Sunday, November 13, 2016

'වදහිංසාවල අඩුවක් නැහැ'

"පොලිසිය විසින් අපරාධකරුවන්ගේ තොරතුරු ලබා ගැනීම සඳහා භාවිතා කරන එකම ක්‍රියාමාර්ගය බවට වදහිංසා පත්වී තිබෙනවා" 


ශ්‍රී ලංකාව තුළ සිදුවන වදහිංසාවල අඩුවක් දක්නට නොමැති බව පෙන්වා දෙන මානව හිමිකම් සංවිධාන ජිනිවා නුවර පිහිටි එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ වදහිංසා පිලිබඳ කමිටුවට ඒ පිළිබඳ වාර්තා කරන බව පවසති.
වදහිංසා යනු අපරාධ ගණයට වැටෙන බරපතළ වරදක් ලෙස පිළිගෙන ශ්‍රී ලංකාව තුළ ඒ සඳහා නීති පනවා තිබුනත් එම නීති නිසියාකාරව ක්‍රියාත්මක නොවෙන බව එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ වදහිංසා පිලිබඳ කමිටුව සඳහා සහභාගි වීමට නියමිත "රයිට් ටු ලයිෆ්" (Right to Life) මානව හිමිකම් සංවිධානයේ විධායක අධ්‍යක්‍ෂ පිලිප් දිසානායක බීබීසී සිංහල සේවයට කියා සිටියේය.
රට තුළ සිදුවන වදහිංසා පිළිබඳ සිවිල් සංවිධාන විසින් සකස් කරන ලද වාර්තාවක් එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ වදහිංසා පිළිබඳ කමිටුවට යොමු කිරීමට නියමිත අතර එහි පිටපතක් ශ්‍රී ලංකා ආණ්ඩුව වෙත ද ලබා දී ඇති බව ඔහු කියා සිටියේය.
"එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ වදහිංසා පිළිබඳ කමිටුව අවුරුදු හතරකට වරක් ජිනීවා නුවරදී රැස් වෙනවා. ශ්‍රී ලංකාව එම කමිටුවේ සාමාජික රටක් හැටියට, රට තුළ වදහිංසා අවම කිරීම සඳහා ගෙන ඇති ක්‍රියාමාර්ග සහ පසුගිය සැසි වාරයේ ලබා දුන් නිර්දේශ ක්‍රියාත්මක වූ ආකාරය පිළිබඳ ශ්‍රී ලංකා රජය ද වාර්තාවක් ඉදිරපත් කරන්න ඕනේ." ඔහු පැවසීය.

'පොලිස් වදහිංසා

"පොලිසිය විසින් අපරාධකරුවන්ගේ තොරතුරු ලබා ගැනීම සඳහා භාවිතා කරන එකම ක්‍රියාමාර්ගය බවට වදහිංසා පත්වී තිබෙනවා. එය සියලු පොලිස් ස්ථාන තුළම සිදුවන බව අපිට වාර්තා වෙනවා."
"මේවැනි වදහිංසා නැති කිරීමට ජාතික හා ජාත්‍යන්තර නීති ශ්‍රී ලංකාව තුළ ක්‍රියාත්මක වුවත්, රට තුළ වදහිංසා අඩු නොවී තිබෙන බවයි අපේ වාර්තාවේ කරුණු සහිතව පෙන්වා දී තිබෙන්නේ. ශ්‍රී ලංකා මානව හිමිකම් කොමිසම විසින් ඉදිරිපත්කර ඇති විකල්ප වාර්තාවෙනුත්, රට තුළ සිදුවෙන වදහිංසාවල වැඩිවීමක් දක්නට ලැබෙන බව සඳහන් කර තිබෙනවා."
වදහිංසා වැඩි වශයෙන් සිදු වන බවට වාර්තාවන පුත්තලම වැනි දිස්ත්‍රික්කවල සිය කාර්යාල පිහිටුවීමට ශ්‍රී ලංකා මානව හිමිකම් කොමිෂන් සභාව සහ පොලිස් කොමිෂන් සභාව කටයුතු කර තිබෙන බවත් "රයිට් ටු ලයිෆ්" සංවිධානයේ විධායක අධ්‍යක්‍ෂ පිලිප් දිසානායක කියා සිටියේය
මේ අතර බලහත්කාර අතුරුදහන් කරවීම්වල අඩුවක් මේ මොහොතේ දක්නට ලැබෙන බව මානව හිමිකම් ක්‍රියාධර බ්‍රිටෝ ප්‍රනාන්දු පැවසීය.


                                                                                                                    dakshina fernando 



Japan economy: Exports help faster-than-expected growth

Japan's economy expanded at a faster-than-expected rate between July and September, due to higher exports.


Gross domestic product rose at an annualised rate of 2.2% in the three months to September, the third consecutive quarter of expansion.
Japanese firms have relied on overseas sales to make up for lacklustre domestic demand.
There are concerns a Donald Trump US presidency will hurt Japan if anti-free trade rhetoric became a reality.
But since the election result, the yen has fallen against the dollar. That makes Japanese goods cheaper abroad, which is good news for the country's exporters.
The latest official data showed the world's third-largest economy expanded by 0.5% compared with the three months to June - better than the forecast of 0.2% growth.

Export reliance            

 It was some rare good news for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's projects to help stimulate the economy - dubbed Abenomics.
However, analysts said this pace could not be sustained given Japan's reliance on exports.
"Consumption is barely there, and in capital expenditure there no growth ... so Japan is relying very much on the outside," Takuji Okubo, chief economist of Japan Macro Advisers, told the BBC.
And Kohei Iwahara, an economist at Natixis Japan Securities, said the figures could be a "one-off windfall", predicting a slowdown in the last three months of 2016.
In August, Japan's cabinet approved an economic stimulus package worth more than 28 trillion yen ($275bn; £207bn) - Mr Abe's latest attempt to boost growth through spending.
However economists were largely disappointed with both its scope and likely impact.
And last month Japan's central bank again pushed back the timeline for hitting its 2% inflation target to March 2019 - a move that raised more questions about the country's economic recovery.

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US Election ( Trump election: Priebus and Bannon given key roles )

US President-elect Donald Trump has awarded key roles in his incoming team to a top Republican party official and a conservative media chief.



Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC), will be his chief of staff.
In this role, he will set the tone for the new White House and act as a conduit to Congress and the government.
Stephen Bannon, from the conservative Breitbart News Network, will serve as Mr Trump's chief strategist.
Mr Bannon stepped aside temporarily as Breitbart's executive chairman to act as Mr Trump's 

campaign chief.
The Republican candidate defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton in Tuesday's presidential vote, in a result which shocked many, who had expected Mrs Clinton to win following favourable opinion polls.
Mr Trump is due to take over at the White House on 20 January, when Barack Obama steps down after two terms in office.
Meanwhile in the president-elect's first interview, with US broadcaster CBS, Mr Trump said:
  • He would deport or jail up to three million illegal migrants with criminal links
  • Future Supreme Court nominees would be "pro-life" and defend the constitutional right to bear arms
  • He will not seek to overturn the legalisation of same-sex marriage
  • He will forgo the president's $400,000 salary, taking $1 a year instead  
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South Korean prosecutors to question President Park Geun-hye

South Korean prosecutors are set to question President Park Geun-hye over allegations of political corruption in a scandal that has engulfed her presidency. 


Officials say this will be the first time a sitting president has been questioned by prosecutors.
Ms Park is accused of allowing her friend, Choi Soon-sil, to manipulate power from behind the scenes.
Hundreds of thousands rallied on Saturday to demand her resignation.
South Korean news agency Yonhap quoted officials as saying Ms Park's questioning should take place no later than Wednesday.
Prosecutors have also questioned top bosses at Samsung, Hyundai and Korean Air.
Lee Jae-Yong, vice chairman of Samsung Electronics, was questioned over whether Ms Park pressured the company into donating millions to foundations controlled by her friend Ms Choi.
Ms Choi is accused of trying to extort huge sums of money from South Korean companies and is under arrest on charges of fraud and abuse of power.
She is suspected of using her friendship with Ms Park to solicit business donations for a non-profit fund she controlled.
The president, whose approval ratings have plummeted to 5% because of the scandal, has said she is "heartbroken".
On Saturday, organisers said some one million people encircled the presidential compound in the South Korean capital of Seoul, in the largest anti-government rally the country has seen.
It was the latest in weeks of demonstrations against Ms Park.

On Sunday, the presidential office said Ms Park was "earnestly considering ways to normalise state affairs" and that she had "heard the voices of the people at the rally".
She apologised earlier in November for putting "too much faith in a personal relationship".
"Sad thoughts trouble my sleep at night. I realise that whatever I do, it will be difficult to mend the hearts of the people, and then I feel a sense of shame.'"
She said wrongdoing would be punished, and that she was prepared to be investigated by prosecutors.
South Korea's constitution does not allow a sitting president to be prosecuted, but investigations are permissible.
Ms Park has 15 months left in her term. If she steps down elections must be held within 60 days.

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New Zealand earthquake: Tsunami follows powerful tremor

A tsunami has hit after an earthquake struck New Zealand's South Island.


The US Geological Survey said the magnitude-7.8 quake hit just after midnight (11:02 GMT on Sunday), some 95km (59 miles) from Christchurch.
The tsunami arrived in the north-eastern coast about two hours later. Officials said the first waves may not be the largest, with tsunami activity possible for several hours.
Residents were warned to head inland or for higher ground along the coast.




A gauge at Kaikoura, 181 km (112 miles) north of Christchurch, measured a wave of 2.5m (8ft 2ins), according to
Smaller waves are said to be arriving in Wellington and other areas, the website said.
But the ministry of civil defence has said the highest waves, which could be as tall as 5m are expected between Malborough, the north-eastern tip of the South Island, and Banks Peninsula, just south of Christchurch.

Residents in the Chatham Islands, an archipelago 423 miles (680km) south-east of the mainland, were also being warned a wave would hit imminently by the civil defence.
Thousands of people have already evacuated their homes as aftershocks continue to hit the area, Radio New Zealand reported.
Others have taken to social media to offer people a safe bed for the night.
New Zealand lies on the notorious Ring of Fire, the line of frequent quakes and volcanic eruptions that circles virtually the entire Pacific rim.
Christchurch is still recovering from the 2011 earthquake that killed 185 people and destroyed the city centre.


New Zealand lies on the notorious Ring of Fire, the line of frequent quakes and volcanic eruptions that circles virtually the entire Pacific rim.
Christchurch is still recovering from the 2011 earthquake that killed 185 people and destroyed the city centre.
The Herald newspaper said the tremor was felt all the way to Wellington, where sirens sounded and people fled buildings into the streets, some of them crying.
Early reports suggested some houses in Cheviot town, near the epicentre, have been damaged.                                                                        dakshina fernando