Saturday, December 3, 2016

Trump-Taiwan call: China lodges protest

China's foreign ministry says it has lodged a complaint with the US after President-elect Donald Trump spoke to Taiwan's leader in a phone call. 


China sees Taiwan as a breakaway province. US policy set in 1979 cut all formal relations with Taiwan.
However, Mr Trump's transition team said he and Tsai Ing-wen noted "close economic, political, and security ties" in a phone call.
China said it had lodged a "solemn representation" with Washington.
According to the state news agency Xinhua, China urged the US "to cautiously, properly handle Taiwan issue to avoid unnecessary disturbance to Sino-US relations".
Earlier, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi dismissed the call as a "petty trick" by Taiwan, Chinese state media said.

What happened? 

Mr Trump tweeted on Friday that Ms Tsai had called him to congratulate him on winning the US election.
His team said that the US president-elect had also congratulated Ms Tsai on becoming the president of Taiwan last January.
It is highly unusual for a US president or president-elect to speak to a Taiwanese leader directly.
Following media reports pointing out the risks of angering China, Mr Trump tweeted: "Interesting how the US sells Taiwan billions of dollars of military equipment but I should not accept a congratulatory call."
The White House has said Mr Trump's conversation does not signal any change in US policy. US media reported that the White House learned of the call only after it had happened.
Mr Trump's spokeswoman said he was "well aware" of US policy towards Taiwan.
Read more: What's behind the China-Taiwan divide?

What is the problem?


The split between China and Taiwan goes back to 1949, when the Republic of China (ROC) government fled the mainland to Taiwan. After 1945, it held China's seat on the UN Security Council and was, for a while, recognised by many Western nations as the only Chinese government.
But in 1971, the UN switched diplomatic recognition to Beijing and the ROC government was forced out. Only a handful of countries now recognise Taiwan's government.
Washington cut formal diplomatic ties with Taiwan in 1979, expressing its support for Beijing's "One China" concept, which states that Taiwan is part of China.
China has hundreds of missiles pointing towards Taiwan, and has threatened to use force if it seeks independence.
President Tsai, Taiwan's first female leader, led the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to a landslide victory in the January 2016 election.
The DPP has traditionally leaned towards independence from China. President Tsai's administration does not accept the One China policy.


                                                               dakshina fernando 


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